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京剧脸谱的颜色寓意中国京剧脸谱艺术是广大戏曲爱好者的非常喜爱的艺术门类,在国内外流行的范围相当广泛,已经被大家公认为是中国传统文化的标识之一。很多外国学生对中国京剧脸谱都很感兴趣。教外国学生京剧脸谱相关知识不仅是为了传扬中国文化,也是为了让他们对汉语学习更加感兴趣,在枯燥的学习之中找到乐趣,这对他们来说是很好的减压之法。 Chinese Peking Opera mask art is a very popular art category among opera lovers. It is widely popular at home and abroad and has been recognized as one of the symbols of Traditional Chinese culture. Many foreign students are interested in Chinese Peking Opera masks. Teaching foreign students about Peking Opera facial makeup is not only to spread Chinese culture, but also to make them more interested in learning Chinese and find fun in boring learning, which is a good way for them to relieve pressure. 京剧脸谱颜色代表了人物的某种性格、性情或某种特殊类型的人物。不同颜色的脸谱代表了不同性格的人物,下面我们一起看看不同的颜色代表蕴涵什么意义吧。 The color of Peking Opera facial makeup represents a certain character, temperament or a special type of character. Different colors of facial makeup represent different characters. Let's take a look at the meanings of different colors.
red brave 红色一般用来表示忠勇狭义、正直,多表现正面角色。红色脸谱中最具有代表性的就是关公了。 Red is generally used to represent loyalty, courage, integrity and always represent positive roles. The most representative red facial makeup is Guan Gong. white overly suspicious 白色脸谱来表现奸诈、阴险的反面角色,一般表示奸臣、坏人,白色脸谱的代表人物比如曹操。 White facial makeup to show treacherous and sinister person, such as Cao Cao. 黑色脸谱一般为刚毅、耿直、智慧、勇敢、铁面无私的化身。代表人物是包公。 Black facial makeup is generally fortitude, straight for wardness, wisdom, courage, the incarnation of unflinching.The representative figure is Bao Gong.
蓝色脸谱一般表现刚强、骁勇、有心计的人物性格,代表人物如清代盗御马的反清义士窦尔敦。 Blue facial makeup generally shows the character of strong, valiant and scheming figures, such as Dou Erdun,the anti-Qing dynasty righteous man who stole the royal horse in Qing Dynasty.
绿色脸谱一般用来表示勇猛、莽撞、暴躁的人物形象,代表人物如隋唐时期的程咬金。 Green facial makeup is generally used to represent the image of brave,reckless and irritable characters, such as Cheng Yaojin in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.
紫色脸谱一般用来表现刚正、稳练、沉着的人物,代表人物如《二进宫》中的徐延昭。 Purple facial makeup is generally used to represent upright, steady and calm figures, such as Xu Yanzhao in the Second Palace.
黄色脸谱一般用来寓意人物骁勇彪悍或凶暴残忍,所以黄色脸谱一般用于勇猛而暴躁的人物。代表人物如宇文成都。 Yellow facial makeup is generally used to imply that the characters are brave or fierce cruel, so yellow facial makeup is generally used for the brave and irritable characters. Representative figures such as Yuwen-Chengdu.
金银色脸谱一般表现各种神怪形象。在神怪脸谱中应用较为广泛,用来表示神仙的金光普照,鬼怪的青面獠牙。 Gold and silver masks generally represent the images of various gods and monsters. It is widely used in the facial makeup of gods and monsters. It is used to represent the golden light of gods or ghosts.